The last chapter was today in Hamburg.In the German city, thousands of students demonstrated together, part of a global community increasingly threatened by climate change that is now undermining not only their future, but also their present.A march, that of the German port city, symbolically led by a small exceptional leader, namely Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who did not hesitate to challenge the greats of the earth on the theme of global warming.School strike week 28. In Hamburg with @Luisamneubauer #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture # schoolstrike4climate idea, that of the student strike Friday against the climate that comes directly from the mind and determination of this teenager.And the protests are slowly taking hold, from the north to the south of the planet.After the demonstrations carried out outside the Swedish Parliament, on January 16 Greta came under the eyes of the world for her speech in Davos in which she admonished the greats of the world: "I don't want to see you hopeful, I want you to be afraid, I want that you try it every day.And I want you to act ”.A threat also evoked by the demonstrators in Hamburg with slogans such as "March now or swim tomorrow" a clear reference to the rise in sea levels that global warming is causing.And the commitment of the young Swedish activist seems to be starting to bear fruit with new protests already planned in many cities around the world (below you can take a look at the map with the various initiatives) and a worldwide strike scheduled for March 15th.And that of these students seems to be a real race against time, consummated in the silence of world politics.Scientists continue to warn about the effects that climate change is already having and point out that we have just 12 years to limit its consequences, which could be devastating.Today's teenagers may be in their late adulthood with a planet where the temperature is 2 to 4 degrees higher than today.A hellish scenario, with truly unpredictable outcomes.Don't want to miss the latest news?Follow us also on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!For 70 years it has filled a void, that of disclosure ...Piero Angela passed away at the age of 93.The historian ...The United States is in shock after what happened in the ...Face to face with the protagonists of the network.That's what our RAM format aims to do ...