An assistant loco pilot, identified as Ganesh Ghosh, has been hailed by netizens for bravely crawling under a train stuck on a bridge to fix an air leakage problem. The train resumed the journey after Ghosh resolved the issue. A clip showing Ghosh’s courageous act was shared by the Ministry of Railways on Twitter Monday.
The clip showed Ghosh crawling underneath the train. A man was heard urging him to be cautious. A passenger looked at him with admiration after he crawled out from underneath the train. Meanwhile, water could be seen flowing rapidly under the bridge.
Railsevaks are committed to serve its passengers 24×7. An exemplary display of courage by Ganesh Ghosh, ALP who crawled under the coaches of halted train on a bridge & rectified air leakage issue that helped resume the journey.
— Ministry of Railways (@RailMinIndia) June 20, 2022
The railway ministry appreciated Ghosh for his “exemplary display of courage”. “Railsevaks are committed to serve its passengers 24×7. An exemplary display of courage by Ganesh Ghosh, ALP who crawled under the coaches of halted train on a bridge & rectified air leakage issue that helped resume the journey,” the railway ministry tweeted.
While many users lauded the loco pilot for his efforts, some others raised the need to improve railway infrastructure.
A social media user commented, “This should not be necessary. @RailMinIndia, this is not a matter of pride. Perspective needs calibration. First get your coaches to not have holes, but tanks, for sewage. And award tenders for service and maintenance based on passenger ratings and not L1 price.”
Another user wrote, “My hats off to workmanship and dedication of railwaymen. They work round the clock to serve and help the nation grow.”
Those are dangerous and sharp containers very near his head. TIME TO GET EVERY RAILSEVAK A HELMET AND IF HE IS PART OF THE TRAIN STAFF, IT SHOULD BE ON THE TRAIN.
— Anantha Padmanabhan. (@AnanthaPad) June 20, 2022
Great job by INDIAN Railway staff
This issue should have been checked at the origin station. This is a failure of maintenance crew at the origin station and they need to be pulled up. @AshwiniVaishnaw
— Abhi1949 M.E (EE) (@Abhi19492) June 20, 2022
My hats off to workmanship and dedication of railwaymen. They work round the clock to serve and help the nation grow.
— Ady Gupte (@AdyGupte) June 20, 2022
Why he has to do such an hazardous job, why isn't it handled remotely or with machine.
— Jerryleen S (@JerryleenS) June 20, 2022
This is not something to be proud of. What the railway employee is doing is indeed commendable but who is responsible for his security? The guy is risking his life without any safety gear. No helmet, no ropes to cling on over a bridge. What the hell is this?
— Aur Batao (@amit___sood) June 20, 2022
Two days ago, the railway ministry shared a video that showed a member of the Railway Protection Force pulling an elderly woman to the platform just seconds before a train rushed past them. The woman was trying to cross the tracks and the RPF officer earned plaudits online for saving the lady.
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