WORCESTER — On Saturday, Sept. 3, the Worcester Red Sox are hosting their final official "Town Takeover" game of the 2022 season, featuring the town of Paxton. $5 of every ticket purchased using the special Town Takeovers link (fevo.me/paxtontakeover) will go toward "Tyler's Teammates," a WooSox Foundation program that honors Paxton's Tyler Trudell, who peacefully passed away May 13, 2021.
HOLDEN — The Gale Free Library, 23 Highland St., will welcome author Alicia Bessette as she discusses her new book, "Smile Beach Murder," with novelist Matthew Quick at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 24.
Before authoring the Outer Banks Bookshop mystery series, Alicia Bessette worked as a reporter in her home state of Massachusetts, where her writing won a first-place award from the New England Newspaper & Press Association. A pianist, published poet and enthusiastic birdwatcher, she now lives in coastal North Carolina with her husband, novelist Matthew Quick.
Quick is the New York Times bestselling author of "The Silver Linings Playbook" — which was made into an Oscar-winning film — and eight other novels.
Books will be available for purchase at the library on event night, courtesy of TidePool BookShop. A book signing will follow the presentation.
To register for this program, call 508-210-5569 or email galefreelibrary@gmail.com.
PAXTON — The summer music series' planned conclusion is this week at the Bandstand. The concert is free. Bring a chair or blanket and listen to the music. The snack bar will be open for refreshments.
Aug. 18: Holdin' Back, 6 to 8 p.m.; https://holdinbackband.com/events
Special thanks to the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
PAXTON — Paxton-area seniors are getting ready for a day trip to New Hampshire Sept. 13.
The first stop is Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant in Meredith. Lunch choices are the famous turkey dinner, broiled haddock or roast beef. The luncheon includes tossed garden salad, whipped potatoes, butternut squash, coffee or tea and apple crisp for dessert.
After lunch, the group will head for the Squam Lake Science Center, for a two-hour cruise on the lake where the movie “On Golden Pond” was filmed. Participants will learn about the natural forces that created this lake and the wildlife that makes it so special. This guided tour shows off amazingly clear water, rocky shores, celebrated islands, historical homes, movie locations, and scenic mountain views. Bring binoculars so you can watch for loons, bald Eagles and other wildlife.
The bus will depart from the Paxton Senior Center, 17 West St. (Route 31 South), Paxton, at 8:15 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022.
Cost of the trip is $95 per person. Reservations are due to Bob Wilby, 508-792-4662 or rwilby@charter.net, by Aug. 23. Mail checks payable to Wilson Bus Lines to Bob Wilby, 11 Tanglewood Road, Paxton, MA 01612. Include your lunch choices.
RUTLAND — The Rutland 300th Anniversary Committee continues the Friday Concert on the Common series. The evening concerts on the town common include a beer tent and varying food trucks.
Headliner bands play starting at 6 p.m. At 5 p.m., select local talents have been invited to perform an open mic session on the grounds. The concerts are free and available courtesy of the community sponsors.
Aug. 19: Booty and the Jett, sponsored by the Devereaux Foundation.
Aug. 26: Mindrift, sponsored by the Devereaux Foundation.
Sept. 2: Jake McKelvie and the Countertops, sponsored by Leominster Credit Union.
Sept. 9: The Green Sisters, sponsored by Sentry Oil
Sept. 16: The Otters, sponsored by the Ruchala family.
Sept. 23: Rabble Rounders, sponsored by Cornerstone Bank.
Sept. 30: The Midnight Riders, sponsored by Cornerstone Bank.
Concerts are organized by the Rutland 300th Anniversary Committee
RUTLAND —The Rutland Tricentennial committee is hosting a family picnic on Sunday, Aug. 28 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the town common. There will be children’s games and activities along with sweets and treats vendors. The committee is pleased to feature the ever-popular Chuck and Mudd Band in concert from noon to 2 p.m. Bring a picnic lunch, blanket and chairs and come celebrate another fun tricentennial event. For more information, email 300rutland@gmail.com.
RUTLAND — The Rutland Lions Club will hold its 39th annual golf tournament at the Bedrock Golf Club on Saturday, Sept. 10. Shotgun start is at 1:30 p.m.
The fee is $240 for a four-member team or $60 per person. Fee includes 9 holes of golf and a steak dinner. Additional fees include a golf cart and various contests, as well as mulligans. A prize will be given to the 1st place team and the team closest to the line on the ninth hole. There will also be numerous raffle items.
To register, call John Tisell at 774-234-0602 by Aug. 26, or mail to Rutland Lions Golf Tournament, 28 Soucy Drive, Rutland, MA 01543.
STERLING — The Sterling Street Market is an outdoor market with a wide variety of vendors held every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the town common in Sterling Center (weather permitting). There is no charge to be a vendor, but please register at artonpark@aol.com.
HOLDEN — The Holden Bandstand has two more performances scheduled in its summer music series. Concerts are held Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the bandstand at 1130 Main St.
Aug. 21: Rick Barron & The Quavers, playing oldies, rock 'n' roll, sponsored by Gibbs Realty and Webster 1st Federal Credit Union.
Aug. 28: Dan Clark, The Singing Trooper, featuring patriotic tunes, Irish songs and more, sponsored by the HCC.
The Holden Bandstand Committee thanks the 2022 sponsors and business donors who make these concerts possible. Business donors are Ellie’s Pet Barn; Miles Funeral Home; Oriol Health Care; Steve’s Pizza, West Boylston; Sunnyside Ford; Village Repair Wong Dynasty & Yankee Grill Inc.
The committee passes the “bucket” for voluntary contributions for the benefit of the Bandstand at each concert. In the event of rain, concerts will be held indoors at the Senior Center.
PAXTON — The Paxton Senior Center, 17 West St., is hosting art shows through the end of 2022. There will be new art work at the Paxton COA from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays in August and September.
Artwork on display will be from Paxton residents Joan Bedard and Chuck Belisle.
RUTLAND — The Rutland Historical Society is hosting the second of two walking tours exploring the lost villages of West Rutland and Whitehall.
Walk 2: 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 20. Rain date Aug. 21. This 5.5 mile hike includes the topics of the first event plus the Revolutionary War barracks, a deeper exploration of the old mill site, and “topics along the way.” Meet at 10 a.m. at the Wachusett Rail Trail parking lot on Route 122 (Barre Paxton Road), just west of Long Pond, on the right after the intersection of Fisherman’s Row. Wearing closed toe shoes or boots and bug spray.
The tour will be led by guide Bob Locke, who is knowledgeable on the topics, grew up in Rutland and has family ties to the area going back to the Revolutionary War.
RUTLAND — The Friends of the Rutland Library offer passes for free or discounted admission at a variety of attractions around the state. This year, passes are available for Davis Farmland, Massachusetts State Parks, Old Sturbridge Village, New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill and Worcester Art Museum. The program is funded in part by the Rutland Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. For more information, call the library at 508-886-4108.
STERLING — Conant Public Library, 4 Meetinghouse Hill Road, is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Adult Summer Reading Program. The annual program returns. Adults age 18 and older will receive a raffle ticket each day that they visit and check out an adult book or audiobook. Program ends Wednesday, Aug. 31.
Registration for the following programs (if required) can be done at sterlinglibrary.org or by calling 978-422-6409.
Summer Reading StoryWalk About Town. Enjoy a great book as you stroll through the center of Sterling. The book begins and ends at the library. Find a page by peeking into the windows (or looking in the gardens) of buildings along the route.
Books-to-Movies Discussion Group. Thursday, Aug. 18, 6:30 p.m. Let’s take a trip (perhaps a train ride?) into the world of Agatha Christie. Join us to discuss the classic murder mystery novel, "Murder on the Orient Express," as well as the 2017 movie adaptation featuring Kenneth Branagh, Penelope Cruz and Willem Dafoe. Copies of both formats will be available at the front desk. No registration required.
Drop-In Clay Day. Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1-3 p.m. Drop in to make mini clay creations. Open to all ages, no registration required, while supplies last.
Cookbook Club. Wednesday, Aug. 31, 6:30 p.m. August is for favorites — instead of using a cookbook, bring in a favorite recipe, or one that you have always wanted to try. Registration required.
Parents’ Night Out Book Club. Wednesday, Aug. 31, 6:30 p.m. Discuss "The Lager Queen of Minnesota" by J. Ryan Stradal. Come to the library without the kids and enjoy some great conversation. Weather permitting, club will meet on the library lawn. Bring a lawn chair. In inclement weather, meet on the library’s lower level. No registration required.
Autumn Mason jar craft for adults. Paint a mason jar and fill it with seasonal blooms just in time for autumn. Meet on Thursday, Sept. 1 at 1 p.m. or 6:30 p.m.; choose whichever time works best for you. All supplies provided; registration required.
Climate Change: What It Means for New England. Thursday, Sept. 8, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Join in virtually for an informative and powerful talk by Quentin Prideaux, board member of Sustainable Wellesley. Prideaux presents the basic science of climate change and its effect on New England. Combining powerful images of the early effects of climate change with concrete data on what is happening right now, this presentation is both moving and enlightening. The talk will cover the impacts and causes of climate change, the actions we need to take, and what it all means for the Northeast. Registration required.
Storytime. Come hear stories, sing, and craft with friends. Registration opens Monday, Aug. 29, at 10 a.m. for a six-week session of Storytime beginning the week of Sept. 12. Choice of two sessions: Mondays at 10:30 a.m. (2-6 years old with caregiver), or Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. (18 months-4 years with caregiver). Siblings welcome; registration required. Sessions end the week of Oct. 17.
Babytime. Enjoy a time just for babies up to 18 months and their caregivers. Share in simple stories, songs, fingerplays, and sensory activities to bond with your little one in a safe and social environment. Babytime will run for a five-week session beginning Thursday, Sept. 22, from 10:30 to 11 a.m. in the Baker Room. Registration is required and opens on Monday, Sept. 12, at 10 a.m. Ends Oct. 20.
StoryWalk. Take a walk with a good book and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. A StoryWalk featuring "The Leaf Thief" by Alice Hemming will be on display beginning Tuesday, Sept. 13. The StoryWalk is located on the lawn next to the library and features a colorful fall story sure to have participants giggling.
Candy Masterpieces for Adults. Adults are invited to create their own edible masterpieces using only candy and frosting on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 1 p.m. Registration equired.
Yoga for Adults. Wind down at the end of the day with a relaxing yoga class. Instructor Sharyn Hocurscak will lead yoga classes Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. at the 1835 Town Hall in Sterling, beginning Sept. 13 and running through Oct. 18. Registration is required and begins Aug. 29 at 10 a.m. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
A Latina Heritage Author Panel with Isabel Cañas, Romina Garber, Priscilla Oliveras, and Caridad Piñeiro. Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. In this online panel, we’ll be chatting with authors Isabel Cañas, Romina Garber, Priscilla Oliveras and Caridad Piñeiro about their journeys to becoming published authors, keeping in mind their diverse Latinx backgrounds. Whether they were born in the U.S. or elsewhere, we wonder how their heritage has influenced their writing, characters, publishing journey, and fan base. Registration required.
LEGO Club. Build with friends after school. Drop-in LEGO event for children of all ages on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 4:30 p.m. No registration required.
Write Night. Want to be a writer? Come to a club just for you. Young people interested in writing can come practice their craft with like-minded peers on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 6:30 pm. Explore ways to generate ideas through brainstorming and freewriting, and develop ideas through fun and challenging exercises. Creativity welcome, no pressure allowed. Open to young writers 8-16; registration required.
Adult Coloring. Discover the stress-reducing, relaxing benefits of coloring. Thursday, Sept. 15 at 2 p.m. in the Baker Room. Supplies provided. No registration required.
Classics Book Club. Thursday, Sept. 15, at 6:30 p.m. Discuss "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut. Copies of the book will be available at the library. No registration required.
Local Author Talk with Marjorie Burke. Monday, Sept. 19, at 6:30 p.m. Meet local author Marjorie Burke of Clinton as she introduces her new book: The Wednesday Ladies – a story of friendship and perseverance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on Burke’s real-life experiences, the book centers on a group of women who met through a Silver Sneakers class in Clinton and walks us through the group’s adventures in Zoom cocktail hours and socially distanced park meetups. Hear how these adventures unfolded and were made into a book. Registration required.
Science Time. Come explore science. Experiment, learn, and play on Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 4:30 p.m. Registration required, open to children in grades 2 through 4.
Teen Taste Test: Name Brand vs. Store Brand Edition. Monday, Sept. 26, at 6:30 p.m. Can you tell the difference between common name brand and store brand snacks? Could you do it blindfolded? Teens age 12 and older are welcome to this night of fun (and somewhat competitive) taste testing, where we’ll decide once and for all whether the brand is really as important as we think it is — all while finding out whose taste buds are the sharpest. Registration required; visit sterlinglibrary.org or call 978-422-6409 to register. (Bonus: suggest some songs to help us build our teen program music playlist! - bit.ly/3PtT0cn)
Keva STEM Challenges. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Use the library's collection of Keva planks to engineer solutions to a series of STEM challenges. Try one or try them all, or just let your creativity flow and build with these versatile blocks. For all ages, no registration required.
Parents’ Night Out Book Club. On Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 6:30 p.m. the group will discuss "The Push" by Ashley Audrain. Come to the library without the kids and enjoy some great conversation. No registration required. Books are available at the library for checkout.
Cookbook Club. Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 6:30 p.m. Choose a recipe from "Once Upon a Chef: Weeknight/Weekend" by Jennifer Segal, prepare it at home, then bring it to the library to share with others. Cookbooks are available at the library for checkout; let us know which recipe you have chosen to avoid duplicates. Registration required.
Museum Pass. The library has a pass to the American Heritage Museum in Hudson. This pass provides half-price admission for up to six visitors. The American Heritage Museum is a military history museum that features one of the world’s largest collections of armored vehicles and tanks. For more information and to reserve a pass, call 978-422-6409.
PAXTON — Library App Tech Help. Tech Help service is now focused on library apps (Libby, Overdrive, CWMars). Call for an appointment.
August Drop-in LEGO Community Build. Are you ready for a challenge? LEGO yourself. Use a LEGO baseplate and LEGOs to create a portrait of yourself or a friend (or a pet). All ages, drop in.
Game Cafe in August. Tasty menu of board games to play with family or friends. Come on in and enjoy the air conditioning. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-7 p.m. Drop-in.
Literacy and STEM Kits Available for Check-Out: Read, discuss, build, and create with our new literacy kits, designed to prevent summer learning loss and keep kids reading and learning all summer long. Also check out new STEM kits, with engaging activities ranging from electronics to natural history, thanks to support from the Barre Savings Foundation.
Save the Date: Saturday, Sept. 24 (tentative) — 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Celebration for all participants and families interested in the program.
Spice Club is on a break.
The library will be closed on Saturday, Sept. 3, for Labor Day weekend.
Ongoing: Puzzle Exchange, bring a puzzle or take a puzzle. 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, Museum passes to local museums and other venues.
For more information, visit rmlpaxton.org or call 508-754-0793.
HOLDEN — Area residents are invited to join the Wachusett Area Chamber of Commerce on a Spotlight Tour of the French Riviera. The tour runs from April 22 to April 30, 2023, and is open to all area residents.
Highlights include Nice, Monaco, Monte Carlo, Cannes, Saint-Honorat Island and Lerins Abbey, Grasse, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Nice Flower Market and St. Paul de Vence. Cost is double $4,099, single $5,099 and triple $4,069. The trip includes round-trip transportation to and from Logan Airport, roundtrip airfare, 11 meals, experienced tour guides and deluxe bus tours.
This trip is provided by the Wachusett Area Chamber in conjunction with Collette, a leader in group travel since 1918. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information, contact Jen Stanovich at the Chamber at 508-829-9220 or email info@wachusettareachamber.org. For the full trip itinerary, visit the Chamber’s website, www.wachusettchamber.org.
STERLING — The Sterling Senior Center is located at 36 Muddy Pond Road.
Lunch is served daily at 11:30 a.m., reservations required. Suggested donation $3.
Coffee is served throughout the day. Special morning treats on Muffin Mondays.
Game Day: Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m.
Wii Bowling: Wednesdays, 1 p.m.
Acrylic painting: $5, Thursdays at 1 p.m.
Knit & crochet: Fridays, 9:30 a.m.
Exercise classes: Tai Chi on Mondays at 8:30 a.m.; Pilates on Tuesdays at 8:15 a.m.; NEW Beginner Tai Chi on Mondays at 9:45 a.m.; Line Dancing on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.; Chair Yoga on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.; Going Steady on Fridays at 10 a.m. Registration required for all exercise classes.
Pickleball outdoors at West Sterling Courts on Mondays and Wednesdays, 4-7 p.m. New players welcome and must complete registration and waiver forms.
Sterling Strummers Ukulele Group meets for entry level classes (new players) on Thursdays 1-1:45pm (lender ukes available); Ukulele Club on Thursdays 2-3 p.m.; and Open Strumming on Mondays 3-4 p.m.
Weekly van shopping trips on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. See newsletter or call for schedule. Reservations required for most programs. For more information, call 978-422-3032. Check out www.sterling-ma.gov/senior-center for the latest newsletter including all services, programming, lunch menu, special news and more.
PRINCETON — The Princeton Historical Society has added eight locations to its clue-based family, small group and/or individual scavenger hunt activity, Can You Find It? This activity began July 1, 2021, to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the town of Princeton’s incorporation in 1771. Last year there were more than 100 participants.
To join in the fun and learn about the now 16 historical locations in Princeton, an updated Scavenger Hunt Game Card and Directions can be picked up at the Princeton Library checkout desk during normal hours of operation. The updated game card and directions can also be downloaded from the PHS website, at https://www.princetonmahistory.org/can-you-find.
PHS plans to continue to add a minimum of eight locations each summer, which will result in 32-plus locations by the summer of 2024.
For more information, email princetonmahistory@gmail.com.
Our Town Paxton video online
PAXTON — The Audio Journal was funded by the Paxton Cultural Council to prepare an Our Town Paxton CD based on historical texts supplied by the Historical Commission. The commission then added photos from its archives to create an Our Town Paxton DVD. Residents can access the video on the Paxton town website.
Two methods may be used to access it.
1) Go to https://www.townofpaxton.net/historical-commission. Click on Our Town: Historical Video, OR
2) Go to https://www.townofpaxton.net and click on the link (in red letters) below the photo (left side of the home page) of the outdoor town meeting. The Search bar may then be used to find the Our Town Paxton video as well as other town videos, including the 250th Anniversary Parade.