This page is part of IGN's Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Wiki guide and details everything you need to know about obtaining the RAI K-84 Wonder Weapon for free in Firebase Z.
From finding the R.A.I. K-84 blueprints, obtaining Kuhlklay's eye and locker key, to solving the dart board puzzle, we have you covered in our complete guide to finding and obtaining the R.A.I. K-84 Wonder Weapon in the Firebase Z Easter Egg.
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To unlock the R.A.I. K-84 Wonder Weapon, you will have three different options available.
Your first option is to try your luck at obtaining the Wonder Weapon through the Mystery Box. This isn’t exactly your best option though, as things can get expensive very quickly, as each try will set you back 950 points.
The second option is to get it as a potential reward for completing Trials, which can be started at the Heli Pad.
The third and final option is arguably the cheapest and most reliable method available for obtaining the Wonder Weapon. While it may require quite a few extra steps, you can obtain the R.A.I. K-84 for free by simply collecting a series of weapon parts.
For a complete guide on unlocking the R.A.I. K-84 Wonder Weapon for free, continue reading our guide below.
Once you have turned on the power, you will now have access to the Weapon Lab, which is located within the Motor Pool area. When searching the room, you will find a Blueprint hanging on the wall by the bench in the back corner. Pick it up.
With the blueprint in hand, make your way over to the Scorched Defense area. Here you will find the dead body of Dimitri Kuhlklay leaning up against the right side of a burning tank. When interacting with the corpse, you'll retrieve Kuhlklay's Eye.
Now that you have obtain Kuhklay's Eye, return to the Weapon Lab and scan the eye at the red-screened computer that reads "Prove You Are Me." Once the scan is complete, a draw will open on the desk and you'll be able to pick up the Locker Key that's found inside.
Once you have the Locker Key, make your way to the Barracks where you'll find several lockers that are located between the beds.Using the key, begin opening the lockers until a Mimic spawns. After killing the mimic you will have the chance at receiving the Barrel Assembly. Do keep in mind that the amount of lockers and mimics that you need to kill to receive the Barrel Assembly is currently random. So if you don't happen to receive the Barrel Assembly straight away, just keep trying.
Now that you've obtained the Barrel Assembly, return to the Weapon Lab and interact with the computer. Here you will find what appears to be a spinning radar that stops in three random locations.Memorize these three locations - they will be different for every player - and make your way to the Mess Hall, that's located just left of the Atrium. Look for the Dartboard on the wall and while using a single shot weapon, shoot the numbers in which the location of the spinning radar would have of stopped. Once you've shot the numbers, finish the puzzle by shooting the center of the board.If you have successfully shot the correct numbers on the dartboard, you will have completed the puzzle a secret compartment will open, revealing the second part needed to create the weapon.
In order to complete the R.A.I. K-84, we will need to obtain one final part - the Power Cell. To get the power cell, you will need to kill a Mangler, a mini-boss zombie that spawns on Round 15.
Upon killing the Mangler, pick up the Power Cell that it drops. With the Power Cell collected, return to the Weapon Lab and place it on charge. It will take approximately one to two rounds for the Power Cell to become fully charged.
Now that you have obtained all of the required parts, return to workbench where you originally found the weapon blueprint and assemble the R.A.I. K-84.
The R.A.I. K-84 has two unique firing modes - a full-auto and a grenade launcher. You can change between these firing modes by pressing the Up arrow on the D-Pad.
After building the Pack-a-Punch machine, you will have the option to upgrade the R.A.I. K-84 Wonder Weapon. There are currently three different upgrades available, with the first upgrade setting you back 5,000 points, followed by 15,000 for the second upgrade, and 30,000 for the third upgrade.
To learn more on how to unlock the Pack-a-Punch machine, check out our complete guide on How to Pack-A-Punch in the Firebase Z Easter Egg.